DYALOGUES was born out of a desire to make a safe space for people to explore and discover and ultimately communicate what matters most.
Our Mission: We make it possible to navigate complex life transitions guided by what we Value. .
Our Vision: A world, in which everyone has an opportunity to explore, discover and practice sharing what matters most so that they can experience and the people around them can support them in living fully right NOW through to their last breath.
Our Values:
Compassion: Where Love is at the heart of every conversation
Curiosity: Encouraging understanding, conversations and connections.
Acceptance: Tuning in to what's here, right now and respecting life in all its varied and diverse forms.
Fulfillment: Prioritizing what matters most in our lives, our relationships and our planet
DYALOGUES is here to make navigating complex terrains of life easier. No matter how rocky or unclear the path, the first step always begins with Excavating your unique Core Values. Once unearthed, these Values act as Guideposts offering directions along the many areas of the Map of Our Life. With practice, every step becomes an opportunity to reflect and illuminate what matters most.
Like a Compass for our Map, Dyalogues uses four key elements to support people navigating complex life transitions: education, training, access to experienced professionals and supportive resources and materials.

We aim to use our business, our actions and our voices to Communicate Love. That’s why DYALOGUES is a B* corporation. A portion of our proceeds supports removing the barriers that hinder access to advocacy and support. We seek to work with people of all backgrounds, ages and abilities to empower discovering what matters most so complex life transitions become navigable and are ultimately an experience of Communicating and Receiving Love.
We are so happy You Are Here.
We are in this together!
Please feel free to explore this website further.
B as in Benefit Corporation. DYALOGUES is built to do Good in the World, for the World. Every product and experience are designed with intention. Only ethically and eco-consciously derived materials are utilized. Our prices are designed to nourish our artists, crafters and creators while making it possible to donate a portion of our proceeds to organizations that continue to seed and nurture Love.